About Us
Qi Force is an organisational and individual well-being company who serves to advise and support programmes of work, which will optimise employee health, safety and well being in the work place. We have experience and track record of system wide analysis across geographical areas containing systems and large complex organisations.There is a known quantifiable relationship between health, and productivity/safety. Sickness absence is a barometer of staff contentment, policy control, culture and organisational health and well-being support. The correlation between sickness absence and safety in hospital environments is identified by Dr Steve Boorman in linking patient safety, and health outcomes to staff health and well being in the work force.
It is the understanding of the relationship of employee health, occupational health services and ethos and organisational supports and processes which Qi force is expert in assessing and providing recommendations and a plan in restoring health and well being in your employee group with tangible performance indicators.
QiForce can support compliance planning; our associate Karl Brookes is a registered SEQOHS assessor of 9 years experience throughout ROI and the UK. Sue Coffee has 30 years of heath systems and senior clinical management experience across the UK, USA and Spain, the last 7 years overseeing: the commissioning and procurement of OH and staff wellbeing services, contract management and monitoring of provided services and systems, quality/complaint development of OH services, systemwide review and development planning with ICS Colleagues to scope and present options appraisals for integrating and optimising, at a system level, the health and wellbeing of health and social care staff.
QiForce has training support and systems implementation specialists experienced in EOPAS and Cority systems.
The framework of review for work place staff health and well being.
The way in which organisational approaches to staff health and well being can be framed by the priorities related to legislation and compliance to the health and safety at work act of 1974, and are key priorities to keep staff safe and therefore organisations at reduced risk of litigation for breaches of the act. The effectiveness of sickness absence management is very much relative to responsiveness, access and matching support to need. The need is evidenced in organisational data, turnover, sickness absence rates and feedback from staff. Well-being support and is a form of prevention, in reducing prolonged sickness absence periods, after significant ill health and debility. The more companies invest in well being support, the less fitness to work rehabilitation and more specialist support is required down stream, and protracted long term sickness absence minimised.